1. 必须是有限公司
2. 实收资本为250万令吉或以下,及年销售额不超过5千万令吉
--------- Form EA 需注意的事项 ---------
3. 税务回扣金额将等于你的营运支出/买固定资产的花费,最高
4. 当年未使用的税务回扣将不能带至下一年扣税
5. 新公司必须使用单独的工厂,设备和设施,不可以从现有/相关公司转移过去
6. 此税务回扣是给予从2020年7月1日至2021年12月31日之间设立且已营业的公司
另外,Bispoint 将加码,给予 给予 #首50家注册的公司RM500费用折扣。
马上拨打+603-8938-1773 / +6010-2183-690 申请吧!
如果想到有朋友会感兴趣的,也记得share 给他们!
我们是 #Bispoint
Have you heard about the RM 20,000 Tax Rebate for new established businesses?
Under 2020 PENJANA stimulus package, new companies can
now enjoy up to RM 20,000 tax rebates per year in the first three
years of assessment with the following conditions: -
1. Must be a private company registered under the Companies Act 2016;
2. Paid-up capital of RM 2.5 million or less, and with annual sales not exceeding RM 50 million per annum;
3. The amount of rebates eligible for SMEs is based on the capital expenditure or operating expenses incurred in each year of assessment subject to a maximum tax rebate of RM 20,000 per year of assessment;
4. Any unutilized tax rebates during the year of assessment cannot be carried forward to the next year of assessment for tax deduction purpose;
5. Any plants, equipments and facilities used by these new entities must be separate and not be transferred from existing or related companies;and
6. Tax rebate only applies for new SMEs incorporated and commenced operations between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021
Besides, Bispoint Group will top this up with a fee discount of RM500 for first 50 applicants.
CALL Us at +603-8938-1773 / +6010-2183-690 to apply now! SHARE with any of your friends who are starting a business too!
Bispoint Group is a one-stop accounting firm that helps SMEs in corporate secretary, accounting, taxation and also provide business advisory services.